Saturday, October 17, 2015

Gravity Falls Why?!

 My last blog post was about the secret messages in the tittle song of Gravity Falls, and other stuff but you should go check out my last post before looking at this. Alright straight into it, the UFO in gravity falls. It has been a mystery throughout everything, and it was fun for fans to think about what it meant. But now no it was answered! I mean everyone wants their questions answered but I wanted the mystery to see what kind of things could happen even further into the possibilities of aliens.No, they had to tell them it was aliens that Gruncle Stan had to find. Also Gruncle, what kind of relative is that never mind different post. Ok the UFO it is a thing that cut through the town leaving a large gape in the two mountains that had a nice entrance to the cozy pocket of Gravity Falls (Episode Reference). Again while everything goes down I want to yell and try to get the writers to feature my ideas! The UFO of course, WHY NOT?! Whats next they tell everyone about how Bill might be part of the 4th dimension then our 3rd! Okay again different post, well the UFO has just gotten me raging, I should be happy with the outcome of a new question answered but again,the yelling. Now for the real question (Might have been answered don't judge me) why is the UFO there?! Well in my theory and yes my own theory I think that the UFO came from the mysterious actions of Bill in Stan's mind. That the Aliens with their crazy technology tracked them but although crashed because of Bill's powerful energy! Then once Stan got rid of Bill from his mind he went there to find the UFO. Alright theory over, now again I must go back to the yelling at the TV show that I love, but Gravity Falls writers will get my complaints!

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